In general, I strive to be fearless, but not delusional; be joyful, but not
naive; be passionately obsessive, but not stupidly stubborn.
Currently, I'm building a new product with the team at Sprout; it'll enable us to create synaesthetic video experiences. I strongly believe
computing environments can be and should be more fluid, playful,
and expressive. Before this, I built small products at
Tiny Factories and researched computing as a medium at Dynamicland.
More than half a decade ago, I gave a talk on the "Space" of Computing: how our conception of "computing" has
has been changing and continues to change. You can watch it
here and read the paper I
Thank you for spending some time here. Stay a while and write me a letter if
you aren't in a rush!
Demo Inn Shanghai | 在客廳裡登上火星
Party Animals – Aiming to be like Nintendo
Starting Tiny, and Often
Defining the Dimensions of the ‘Space’ of Computing ↗
Becoming Courageous, Together
Designing for ACLU NorCal -- Behind the Scenes ↗
Behind CCA’s Unofficial Mascot ↗
Putting Band-Aids on the Digital Landscape ↗
Do Your Apps Have an Expiration Date? ↗
There's Something to be Done ↗
Three years later | #43
Wow, I wrote my last weeknote 3 years ago, that feels like an entire lifetime ago. I truly feel like the 2020 Weiwei is a different person from the 2022...
hmm| #42
Received this from a friend, and has been dwelling on every sentence of this, among many other things.
Hello, again| #41
And all of a sudden, it’s May… A lot has happened in the past few months, in my life, in this world… What can I say, I really feel like...